Help Bring Our Son home!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

navigating new waters

Funny as I begin to navigate these new waters of technology of posting a blog to keep others informed of the events of our life. I sit here thinking that it is not unlike the crazy new adventure that Brice and I have begun as parents and where God is leading our family at the moment. More info on that to come in the future!

We feel like this first year has gone by SO fast and that being parents have really just begun for us as now our wee one is walking, signing and even talking a little bit. Life has been crazy busy as we try to spend the summer catching up on things that we cannot get done throughout the year. We finally have an incredible garden, several chickens, and are working on getting our property looking much better!

Prayers are appreciated as we begin a new chapter this fall of working opposite schedules with a toddler!!! Our dear one is a fiesty little girl who is friendly and VERY active! We definately have our work cut out for us. Pray also for our addition. After alot of prayer we have decided to try and add onto our tiny house and so are going to talk to several contractors and the bank over the next few weeks. Prayers are greatly needed.

Well enough for now. I have a meeting to be getting too and I still have to make sure I am posting this right!
