Help Bring Our Son home!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January freezing

January started off freezing. We have called the contractor several times but seems the weather only allows for limited activity in regards to construction, so I am trying to wait patiently while I would love to just scream! The cold weather has allowed us to catch up on some work outside and see other things we needed to get done around the house but mostly we are just trying to wait out the cold so we can begin making progress on our lovely addition so we can move forward with our addition we have raised almost $300 toward the homestudy need another $1200 for the homestudy then begins the hard part of raising 25K for the actual adoption.

Please keep us in your prayers as we begin this massive addition and prepare to being home our son!

Don't freeze in all this cold weather!

This chilly December

Woke up to another cold drafty morning. About two weeks ago the construction crew came and tore down the back room to our house. They left the laundry room, praise God because they haven't showed back up since! This leaves the house a little drafty although or good friend and neighbor came and helped me try and insulate as much as possible...sigh. Pray that a have patience. I know that Gods timing is perfect but patience especially with the house is not my strong point especially since a were planning on working allot on it over break. Guess we will spring break!

Life has been a blurr as we keep up with our crazy schedule working, Christmas parties, friends and church events. Brianna has had a blast and enjoyed these past few weeks.

I have as well until we came hinge to no washer and dryer yesterday! My first thought was " yeah! They working on my house." Followed by..."oh crap I can't wash and dry the tons of clothes I planned to do Friday!" Such is my life!

One of my closest friends is in the waiting stages of her adoption ( so a have been in touch all week keep her in your prayers!

Well it's time for us to put up chickens and head toward bed. So good night and pray for a speedy addition!