Help Bring Our Son home!

Friday, May 29, 2015


This morning as I began my bible study I ran across a verse that really made me stop and think about Adoption. While Paul, Silas, and Timothy might have had a slightly different meaning I can't help but look at 1 Thessalonians 2:8 and think about our boy! "We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives,   because you had become dear to us."
  Praying for our boy this morning and that God is preparing Him as well as us for the difficult journey ahead!

Update: great news on that only a few minor edits needed on our psych eval, we most likely won't have to pay for a repeat visit!

We have sent in several grants and are in process of registering for our required pre- travel training in July!

We also got our UCIS letter they received our application to make this boy our son!  Waiting on biometrics!

Prayers we get a file and info soon!


This morning as I began my bible study I ran across a verse that really made me stop and think about Adoption. While Paul, Silas, and Timothy might have had a slightly different meaning I can't help but look at 1 Thessalonians 2:8 and think about our boy! "We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives,   because you had become dear to us."
  Praying for our boy this morning and that God is preparing Him as well as us for the difficult journey ahead!

Update: great news on that only a few minor edits needed on our psych eval, we most likely won't have to pay for a repeat visit!

We have sent in several grants and are in process of registering for our required pre- travel training in July!

We also got our UCIS letter they received our application to make this boy our son!  Waiting on biometrics!

Prayers we get a file and info soon!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dossier progress

  Huge praise! We are in process of getting our dossier apostilled then it's on its way to Dominican for translation! I'm so excited!  God is so good!  I couldn't ask for a better anniversary gift! Praying that soon we get a file.  Two more grants go in mail today.  Prayers so appreciated as we focus this summer on n preparing our house to rent,  getting final inspections, and getting last of paperwork and training to prepare to move and get our boy! I'm starting to get really nervous! We are studying Spanish allot but still so lacking! Prayers that funds will be provided so we can press forward!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I800 on way

Our i800 is on its merry way! Come Monday we will be well on our way! We should get our information on biometrics in 2 weeks!  So thrilled to finally be at a place where progress is steadily moving forward!  Praying that by June we will be able to see a picture of the child we have worked so hard and prayed for all these months! This summer is going to be an amazing journey.  Praying for grants as we submit yet another application trusting God to provide what is needed. Studying Spanish and packing stuff up to be stored while we are gone. Be praying for nice honest renters who will care for our house while gone! Continue prayers that we would be granted an exemption and only stay 4 months so that we can return to our chaotic life stateside if that is Gods will! Otherwise that the money would be available so that we can stay the whole 6 months without worry.  Thank you for your prayers.  Please share!

Thursday, May 14, 2015


  While we still have some of the dossier to finish. The bulk of it is at last done! Mailed Tuesday and arrived today at our agency!  We are praying that translation can begin soon so that we sure able to press forward!

Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that God would open hearts and prepare our son for the changes coming.  Pray for us as we begin more on depth explaining to Brianna about upcoming changes in our lives. 
Also pray as we earnestly fundraiser and prepare our house to be rented out while we are gone.

Lacking a few doors n touch up to being done!

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   Spent the weekend working on our house,  playing with our toddler and preparing to send our dossier to agency for review! Plumber came and fixed toilet on Friday so we finally have the kids bathroom semi functional again!
Last week our precious baby girl turned THREE! So hard to believe. Time has flown and I'm thrilled to be blessed to be this wildly independent girls mom! We have started mentioning her brother more and more as we inch forward in our process.  Now as we prepare for me to be off work this summer and we send our dossier prayers are needed for funding.  We begin grant applications this week and are trusting God to provide what is needed in His timing! Anyone without plans the 28/29/30 of May come hang out and help with our three day yard sale! We are still taking donations! Contact us for pickup!  Prays that this nets our needs. Apostilitation is $5 per document.  I think it will be about $56/60 could be more then $12,200 for remaining agency and legal fees!  This is not including the $20k for travel! We are trusting God and taking it one day at a time but most of funds due by Sept/Oct! Please keep us on n your prays and start praying for grants!

Monday, May 11, 2015

    God never ceases to amaze me! The brilliant timing of His is incredible. Watching Him in the details is just astounding! So after all the trials, fuss, and heartache with our house and everything as we sought to get our home study officially finished...guess when the official approval came? Brianna's 3rd Birthday! May 5, 2015 will be a date that sticks in my mind forever for even more reasons now! We are on a much more official playing field as we press onward. Our I-800A gets mailed out this week requesting permission to make this child our son and a U.S. Citizen! Pray that all goes well and speedy! We are mailing in all our official papers to the agency so that they can begin translation ASAP. Next we have biometrics and if I remember anything from 14 years ago with my brother this involves us going to immigration, but I am not completely sure about that as of yet. Brice and I are working hard on finishing the house so that we have it all ready to rent out by this fall to save a little money if we can at all.

At Brianna's recent well visit I asked about scheduling a visit to discuss adoption paperwork and review our sons file once its received! Prayers that this goes well and that we can get an exemption to only stay in country for 4 months so that we can get him stateside for services! I have also checked with the International Adoption Clinic in town and that review will cost us $475 so add that to the legal fees due this summer and we are in some serious fundraising need! God is working out amazing things! We have been blessed with many wonderful donations and are planning a massive Yard Sale for the end of the month! Even better a friend just contacted me that we can use her house for a community wide one this Saturday! Prayers that it goes well and that we earn lots of money for the adoption! Brianna and I are gonna spend lots of time this week getting things together! I am off to do the last couple of errands for today before going home to cook supper and prepare Yard Sale things.

Prayers for the grants we just sent off today and the ones we have yet to apply. Prayers for our boy who is getting older everyday, most likely without language and the love of a family. Prayers for Jessie as I continue studying Spanish. Thanks to a good friend I have been practicing on the way to work, but have spent several weeks on the 3rd cd...Prayers that I renew my gusto!

As I wrap up work for the year and prepare to stay home and catch up on the house and things this summer, prayers that God provides everything we need financially and otherwise as we seek to be wise with finances and time.

Prayers for success at the yard sale, and as we apply for several fundraisers for summer/fall!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Homestudy progress

    Homestudy is signed and we are awaiting notary and our finally copy.  Then are i800 will be submitted for permission to make this boy a US citizen and our son!  We are currently finishing the documents in our dossier. Pictures of family, last required forms, and odds and ends as we wait fbi prints to come back.

Prayers appreciated as we press forward.  Work wraps up for me in a few weeks and then it's summer break.  We are planning a massive Yard Sale to help with adoption costs as our second legal fee will be due this summer.  Prayers appreciated as we press forward!