Help Bring Our Son home!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Wonderful blessings

I had the most amazing weekend with family and my hubby this weekend.  For such a short time period we got lots accomplished.  We got to make the needed errands done, went camping in the most peaceful relaxing time we've had in awhile also spent several hours working on the house and got several things checked off our list.  I am so thrilled and my heart is overflowing.  We have so much work left but through God's grace we willg get things done in His perfect timing.  Life is great and I'm loving this warmer fall weather! Keep checking here and ask top join our deaf adoption Facebook group for more info on the status of our adoption.  Our latest fundraiser is the beautiful bracelets that provide clean water in Africa and help bring our boy home.  All made here in the USA!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Long days

The past few weeks have been long days as we hurry to finish our house.   Painting mudding sanding wiring. .. we are slowly making progress and hope to soon have a working bathroom sink!  We have cabinets stained painted and installed and are soon gonna look at countertop for the bathroom.  We will both be s relieved to be finished just in time to start on outside winter yard work. Keep us in your prayers as we prepare for hvac n final electrical inspections.  We are ready to have this all behind us and move into our addition so we can get better organized. Pray that our three current fundraisers are successful as we try to raise our next agency payment! We are halfway to next payment amount and a huge yardsale the end of October(23,24,25) and then our fun painting fundraiser Nov 1st! Please feel free to donate items to yardsale.

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