Help Bring Our Son home!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall into cold

    It's freezing here and about 29 degrees when I last checked. My heart fell yesterday with the temperature as I was nervous about our impending addition. A quick call to our contractor soon put my fears to rest as he assures me that all is well. They will begin work on Monday, so this allows Brice and I to finish up some odds and ends in preparation this weekend. I am so ready to get this project underway as I know our portion will take awhile and this all has to be done before a can proceed with the adoption!

     Brice and I are so excited and nervous about this journey. Sunday wraps up our last adoption class and we have learned a great deal about what to expect in regards to or childs background and possible abuse, neglect etc. We feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn so much and feel like we are better parents already for the experience. We covet your prayers as we move forward. Brice and I will be doing all the electrical, insulation, drywall and finishing ourselves due to a tight budget. So if you are handy with a hammer and want to donate some time please feel free to contact us! We plan on working every spare moment to possible have homestudy completed next fall and then some hard fundraising afterwards to cover adoption costs!

     We have already started fundraising for our homestudy by selling braclets, car decals that say "Support Deaf Orphans" braclets are $2 or 2/ $5 and car decals $10.00. We will also be hosting a large adoption yard sale next fall so please feel free to donate any items you want out of your house!

  We know our God is big and He will supply everything that is needed to being our son home. We are going to have to raise all of our adoption costs so that I can stay home and homeschool our son (the local schools are a joke when it comes to Deaf Ed) so please pray that God provides for us every step of the way. The first hurdle is to get our house finished so we can pass a homestudy. We found both an adoption agency and the cheapest local place for a homestudy so the hard decisions have been made.