Help Bring Our Son home!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our summer journey

We so love our little 5 acre homestead and have enjoyed this summer fixing projects that we got behind on throughout the year. Now as summer comes to a close and we prepare to our life with opposite schedules again we have some exciting news, after lots of prayers and planning we are making the first steps toward adoption. Brice and I have had adopting a deaf child on our hearts since we were dating. We both knew we could provide a deaf child with language and resources most parents  couldn't. So now we have begun a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom addition to our tiny home in the hopes of finishing by next fall ( doing all interior renovations ourselves) in order to pass a homestudy and begin the one to two year journey to bring our deaf son home! We are currently looking at Columbia as the country of choice and the agency I have been in touch with has been very helpful! I have already setup an adoption account and will start some fundraising immediately but the bulk will come after the homestudy and once I've applied for grants. Brice and I are nervous because we have roughly 3 yrs to raise 30k but we know God can do all things! The first step is us finishing our house and raising the 3k needed for the homestudy and application fees then we can move forward! We Re both excited about where God is leading! Please keep us in you prayers and keep watching our blog to see how you can help!

Thank you!